Fatimah al-Zahra (SA) – Vol. 43, Behar al-Anwar

A piece of the self of the master of the messengers (of Allah),Behar al-Anwar, Volume 43
The source and the original location of the lights of ’A’immah, ‘Alayhim al-Salam, who are the leaders of religion, 
The wife of the most honorable among the Executors of the Wills of the Holy Prophets,
البتول العذرأ,  

The Hawr’a of human Beings,

Fatimah Al-Zahra’!

With the Help of Allah, the Most High,  Volume 43 of Behar al-Anwar, pertaining to the history of the master of the women of the worlds, Fatimah al-Zahra’, Alayha al-Salam, is now available. This presentation is available in two formats:

1) The hardcover edition contains both Arabic Text with English Translation, which is ideal for those interested in Arabic study; this version can be found here: Behar al-Anwar, Volume 43 (Hardcover)

2) The paperback edition is available in English only, which is ideal for most readers; this version can be found here: Behar al-Anwar, Volume 43 (Paperback)